Services for Producers

Gain additional profitability for your energy

Our Renewable Energy Sales Service

We accompany independent producers in their transition to active marketing and promotion of their installation. We offer energy sales via PPA and revaluation of green certificates through the sale of Guarantees of Origin.

Process from producer to client

Active Buyer Search and Installation Promotion

Advantages of Energy Sales via PPA

  • Provides long-term income certainty, thanks to a fixed price per MWh or scalable over the contract duration.
  • Higher valuation due to the potential to reduce the buyer's emissions and carbon footprint.
  • Protects against daily market volatility.
  • Plan financially with greater certainty, thanks to long-term income security.
  • Facilitates obtaining financing for new projects, battery installation, or expansion of existing capacity.
PPA Diagram

Service Process


Register your interest, email or call 643073918.


We confirm technical data, price objectives, and timelines.


We search for buyers for your energy.


Receive a purchase offer.


We evaluate and accompany you in the transaction.

Marketing of Green Certificates, Guarantees of Origin

Guarantees of Origin certificates can be marketed separately, which helps their valuation by finding the right buyer both nationally and in Europe for exportable GOs.

GOs demonstrate the origin of the generated energy and qualify it as a renewable energy source. 1 GO = 1,000 kWh of renewable energy generated and traceable to a specific identifiable source.

They represent an opportunity for electricity-consuming companies to directly reduce their carbon footprint.

Process from producer to client

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+34 643 073 918
